
Continuing Education for Teachers

About Me

Continuing Education for Teachers

My name is Stephanie Mitchell, and I want to thank you for stopping by my website. I’ve been teaching second grade for 18 years now. I love my career and enjoy keeping up with the changes in the school system and educational materials. If you are a teacher, you know that we are required to have a certain amount of continuing education. I’ll admit that not all of it is fun, but it is necessary. The most fun I’ve had where continuing education is concerned is taking courses on my own. You can find professional courses in all core subjects, behavioral courses, assessment courses, classroom management, fun classes like art, and more. I’ve taken some courses online and some in a local classroom setting. I’m going to share more about my continuing education courses, and hope that my positive experiences will be encouraging to you.

Preparing To Enroll Your Child In Kindergarten

When your child starts getting around the age of starting kindergarten, you may become overwhelmed with the idea of enrolling them. It's scary sending your child to begin a new chapter in their life, but they must get a good education early to have a better chance of succeeding and being happy later in life. To help you through the process of enrolling them, you should know what you'll need to do to get them signed up. 

Figure Out Age Requirement Details

The age requirements for kindergarten might differ slightly based on where you live, but children generally start when they're five or six. It will also depend on what time of year their birthday falls, so pay attention to this detail to ensure they're allowed to start when you attempt to enroll them. Some experts claim that the age that a child begins kindergarten will affect their success.

Figure Out Which School They'll Go To

Are there multiple kindergarten programs in your town? If so, you will have to figure out where your child will go. Most towns will assign kids to certain schools based on their location, but if one school is too full, you might need to take them to another school a little further away.

Prepare Your Child for the New Experience

The best thing you can do to take away your and your child's jitters about kindergarten is to prepare them for the experience ahead of time. They'll likely adjust quickly to kindergarten if they already attended preschool, headstart, or daycare since a classroom environment won't be new to them. You could also talk to them about what kindergarten will be like, and they may even become excited to start rather than apprehensive.

Gather Necessary Paperwork

It's essential to prepare your child for starting kindergarten, but you also need to go through the enrollment process and provide and fill out certain paperwork. You typically need to prove you're a town resident, the child's legal guardian, and provide your child's medical records. You'll likely have to fill out various forms, such as emergency contact information, information on your child's education history, etc. 

Sign Them Up Before Deadline

When you enroll your child in kindergarten, you need to ensure you do everything you need to do before the deadline. If you miss the deadline, you might have to wait until the following year to enroll them or choose another school.

To learn more, reach out to kindergarten programs near you.