
Continuing Education for Teachers

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Continuing Education for Teachers

My name is Stephanie Mitchell, and I want to thank you for stopping by my website. I’ve been teaching second grade for 18 years now. I love my career and enjoy keeping up with the changes in the school system and educational materials. If you are a teacher, you know that we are required to have a certain amount of continuing education. I’ll admit that not all of it is fun, but it is necessary. The most fun I’ve had where continuing education is concerned is taking courses on my own. You can find professional courses in all core subjects, behavioral courses, assessment courses, classroom management, fun classes like art, and more. I’ve taken some courses online and some in a local classroom setting. I’m going to share more about my continuing education courses, and hope that my positive experiences will be encouraging to you.

How To Manage A Class Of Young Children

If you are a teacher, then you know all too well that if you want to teach young children in a classroom setting then you must have proper class control or things will go awry. However, getting your class under control is not always easy when you have children with high energy levels and different temperaments in the same place. This is where classroom management training comes in. Here are some techniques that are useful to help you manage your class.

Use Non-Verbal Signals

Using non-verbal signals is one way to get your students' attention. In fact, it not only saves your voice, but it also teaches students to be attentive. There are several techniques you can use. However, before you use these non-verbal signals always inform your students that you will be using them. For example, before you begin your activity, you should let them know that you will be holding up a hand to indicate that it is time to be quiet. You can also use props such a red stop sign and a yellow sign just before the red one to indicate that it is time to pay attention.

Teach Student's How To Listen To Each Other

When excitement is in the air during a lesson, often everyone wants to talk. The problem is that everybody can't speak at once because the result is confusion. A clever idea that you can use in your class is to have a "talking stick." The purpose of the talking stick is to get students to respect other people and their opinion. Whenever someone is holding the talking stick, everyone must pay attention to them. This helps to create order and is a simple concept that children can easily understand.

Let Student's Make The Rules

If you get students to make the rules, then you will have a greater compliance rate. In fact, you should not only ask them to make the rules you should ask them to create the consequences if the rules are broken. In this way, your student's will be more co-operative when someone steps out of line because they had already agreed to the consequences for an offense.

Managing your classroom when you teach younger children is all about being creative. Utilizing all the tips given will help to keep your class under control and learning. When young children understand the rules, you get greater classroom control as opposed to just telling them to stop doing certain behaviors. For more information, contact a company like Marvin Marshall and Associates Inc.